
All posts for the month May, 2015

Introduction to the Constellations

Astronomical Perspective of the Constellations

Astronomical Perspective of the Constellations 

From a purely scientific astronomical perspective of the constellations, there are no constellations – at least not in the way they are depicted on astronomical charts. In fact, the 88 recognised constellations only exist in the imaginations of observers who wish to see something that is not there. Continue Reading

The Three Aspects of the Triple Goddess

The Three Aspects of the Triple Goddess

The Three Aspects of the Triple Goddess

The creative force that is the source of the powers behind our Universe is essentially Female moreso than male. She is known as Shakti. She has three aspects – Creator, Maintainer, and Destroyer. She is a triple Goddess who gave birth to the Beings who created our Universe. Those lesser gods and goddesses have had different incarnations of each of the main aspects of creation/life/destruction powers at various times throughout history. Those incarnations are humans who live here with us on earth. They incarnate here to help us, to live beside us, and to help us remember who we are. Continue Reading

First Impressions

First Impressions and Outward Appearances

First Impressions and Outward Appearances

For this week’s reading I randomly chose five types of First Impressions that people might get of you and wrote about them in this article. Read on to see if one of these First Impressions and Outward Appearances is how others see you. Continue Reading