high priestess

All posts tagged high priestess

The High Priestess Traits

The High Priestess Traits

The High Priestess Traits

The High Priestess is the card numbered two in the Major arcana of the tarot, although it is the third card due to The Fool being card number zero. The High Priestess and The Magician have the same meaning and value, because they balance each other out. As we know, the Major arcana is all about the journey of The Fool, so the first cards/characters/stages that he initially encounters on his journey are The Magician and The High Priestess. Both are very important for balancing life because no one can see the light without also seeing their shadow. Continue Reading

Hero Neo as The Fool

Hero Neo as The Fool

There are 78 tarot cards and each of them has a special, deep meaning that represents certain ways of life. These cards are divided into two groups which are called the Major and the Minor Arcana, the word “Arcana” meaning “secret”. For now, we will focus only on the Major Arcana which consists of 22 cards, but numbered cards are twenty-one and one is unnumbered (it is called “The Fool”). We will analyse each of them, and we will travel this journey together. Continue Reading